Too Many Hair Loss Products?
Just turn on your TV or pick up a magazine and you will see products that are advertised as hair loss cures. Many years ago people would try all kinds of ridiculous treatments hoping to cure their hair loss. But some are still willing to try anything on the outside chance that it will help.
In order to find the appropriate hair loss products you must understand the true causes of hair loss. It is caused by a heriditary gene that can come from either side of the family tree. Scientists identified a hair-loss gene inherited from the maternal grandfather in 2005. In 2008 they discovered a new gene that transmits hair-loss likelihood from father to son.
2008 Research on Hair Loss Genes
“The researchers had concentrated their attention on the genomes of just under 300 men suffering from marked hair loss, investigating for this purpose over 500,000 variable sites in the genomes of their test subjects. Two positions frequently displayed a clear correspondence with baldness in these men – a clear indication that the genes located at those points were involved in hair-loss. ‘In one of these conspicuous regions lies the gene for the androgen receptor’, Dr. Axel Hillmer of the Life & Brain Forschungszentrum (research centre) in Bonn states. ‘We had already learnt from an earlier study that this receptor was linked to hair loss. However, the other region was new to us’.” (Source:
The result? Genes can be inherited from the mother’s father, the mother, or the father.
Some of these genes will convert testosterone into dihydrotestosterone or DHT. Once that occurs it is impossible for the hair follicles that are effected to produce more healthy hair. Once these follicles fall out there is no new ones to grow in.
So, in this case, look for products that target the suppression of the DHT. Products that contain the active ingredient of Minoxodil is an over the counter topical solution that can help stop additional hair from falling out. It also may stimulate the growth of a small percentage of new hair in certain areas of the scalp.
Another product which has been met with some success is Propecia. This is a prescription medication that helps block the DHT internally. Although this product is successful in growing some hair and helping to retain the existing hair, once it is discontiued you will most likely loose all of the natural hair you would have lost during the course of treatment. (This is also true of Minoxodil).
It is clear to see that even with these alternatives the only permanent, natural and affordable solution to your hair loss is a surgical hair transplant performed by a qualified, experienced hair transplant surgeon.