Dr. Shapiro's Hair Institute • 1-561-414-4509

Hair Transplant Reviews

Read full transcripts of hair transplant reviews, comments and/or watch videos of the experiences of some of our clients from Miami, Pompano Beach, Hialeah, Broward County, West Palm Beach, Lake Worth Delray Beach, Boca Raton, Fort Lauderdale, Opa Locka, Coral Springs, Hollywood, FL and surrounding South East Florida locations.

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Steve Kane, hair transplant movie

Steve Kane, Boca, FL: One day I was going through the family album and there was a shot of me with my wife and two of my children. I hadn't realized but my hairline had been gradually receding and I kind of looked like ... my own grandfather! ...
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Mark, Miami, FL I'm a lawyer and appearance is important to me; I do a lot of trial work. I didn't want to go bald. I saw my friends going bald and I didn't want to go bald. ...
QT Movie

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Charlie, Fort Lauderdale I started to lose my hair when I was about 50 years old, I had my hair for a long time and I thought I would have my hair forever, and then I started losing my hair! ...
MORE ... | Charlie's Hair Transplant QT Movie

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Physical Therapist, Boca Raton At 28 I started losing my hair. It's nice, I'm looking forward to more hair, I don't have to worry about taking an hour to get ready in the morning, and it really doesn't matter if the wind blows anymore - so, that's the good part! ...
MORE ... | Hair Transplant QT Movie

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Joanne, Hollywood, FL My self esteem wasn't it should have been ... my appearance ... I was not pleased with my appearance. I knew I had to do something and so I did! ...
MORE ... | Joanne's QT Hair Transplant Movie

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West Palm Beach: I think the most rewarding change has been my social life; I'm a single guy, I like going out and doing things - and now, I'm so much more confident!
QT Hair Transplant Movie

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Shellie, Miami Well, [its] a whole lot of fun. I don't stay home much anymore and I'm feeling good about it, real good!
MORE ... | QT Hair Transplant Movie

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Carlos, Miami, FL I like it, I know it is something permanent, it wasn't something I was expecting, it's been good, great. I don't have to hide my head anymore. ...
MORE ... | QT Movie, Tambien en espanol

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Vinnie, Coral Springs, FL: It's very full, it's not detectable, and I'm very happy with the procedure ... it gives you more motivation, there's no doubt about that. ... gets that youthful feel and look back! ...
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North Miami, FL: I was in my 30s when I started losing my hair, and a head of hair is really important to me; mean I really felt confident when I had my hair, in my 20s. By the time I was in my mid-thirties I had a lot of balding spots ...
QT Hair transplant Movie


Going bald at my age wasn't an option. Thank you Dr. Shapiro for giving me my life back! - Ronnie T., 18, Boca Raton, FL


Dr. Shapiro restored my self confidence. Now, dating is fun again. -- Stan K., 38, Miami, FL


I thought I was destined to be completely bald, but Dr. Shapiro changed that, permanently! - Jose R., 36, Miami, FL


Nothing is worse for a woman than loosing her hair. Looks so natural even my hair stylist can't tell. Thank you! -- Ann F., 48, Fort Lauderdale, FL

Play Movie Steve Kane:, Miami, FL I've always have been very vain as my listeners know and I've had to deal with cosmetic surgery. I'm really a lot older than I look. I mean, I'm about 58 years old and after having a face lift and working on my skin, with skin peels and stuff like that, and I thought I was looking pretty good. But one day I was going through the family album, and there was a shot of me with my wife and two of my children and (laughing) I hadn't realize that my hairline had been gradually receding and kind of look like, I don't know what to say, my own grandfather.

So with all the work that I had done when I was starting to get bald that just kind of took the edge of it cause when you're bald you look old, there's no getting around that.

So I have asked around and naturally I wanted to go to the best and several people, doc, to your credit, recommended you. So I went to see you and I was skeptical I didn't know a lot about the micro and mini grafts. I did know this, I did know that if it looked anything like those horrible old Barbie dolls plugs that I would rather be bald, I knew that much.

But people had told me that they were great great results. So I went, we met and I was very impressed here. You're an easy guy to talk to, and of course you brought out the book with the before and after pictures and I looked at some of this before and after pictures they were astounding. You really could not really tell that these people had any work done at all, I mean everything looks so natural and you would never think that they were used to those hair plug things which looks so I don't know what to say but, grotesque! So I mean the before and after pictures really more than anything what sold me.
WMV Movie | Quicktime Movie

Play Movie Charlie, Ft. Lauderdale: I started losing my hair when I was about 50 years old and I'd had my hair for a long time. I thought I would have my hair forever, then all of a sudden I started losing my hair. I have an uncle that's older than me and he started losing his hair; he had a little bit of hair in the front and I'd seen him about 7-8 months later and he was almost completely bald.

So I said my chances are running out. I better have to do something and the option of a wig was out and I happened to see [Dr. Shapiro] on television and so I said I'll go down to see Dr. Shapiro and that's how I started taking care of my hair loss. I would recommend this to my son. I told my son to have this done. My son is 32 years old and he's starting to lose his hair a lot earlier and I told my son to have it done. I just did it really because I like to look as good as I can.... Charlie's QT Movie

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Physical Therapist, Boca Raton: I'm 29 now but at 28 I started losing my hair. It took a little bit longer and longer each time I would go into the bathroom to get ready to go out. I finally watched the infomercial, made an appointment and came in. There was quite a few people out in the waiting room so just like everybody else would do you kind of look around at everybody's head and wonder if they've had it done or are getting it done. Then Dr. Shapiro meets with you and takes you around and shows you different people at different times they had the procedure and the growth factor of the hair and gives you a consultation. Shows you your hairline, because I didn't have one, he drew one and shows you what it would be and sure enough it was.

I used to use topical agents on my hair anywhere from shampoos to aerosol sprays but the thing about those is whatever it did grow in would eventually fall out if I stopped using it so I thought about it, I'm 28 years old and if I times that until I was 60 years old opposed to going in for a 2 hour procedure and having it done for life, that made more sense to me. It's nice, I'm looking for more hair that's why I'm back in here now.

But it's been good. I don't have to worry about taking an hour to get ready in the morning and I doesn't really matter if the wind blows anymore. I'm a physical therapist, I own my own business and I think it does make a difference to people that I'm not older and that I look younger and stay fit and the more hair you got the more fit you look . Being 28 at time I had this done last year for the first time, you don't really want to be loosing your hair and the bottom line is when you go to a bar and your out there to look good and when you start to recede you start to look older and you get a little self conscious and that's w hen the hair spray comes in and you hope the wind doesn't blow when you first meet somebody and that's when it's nice not to have to worry about that anymore. ... Play WMV Movie

Play Movie Joanne, Hollywood, FL: I really wanted to have something done with my hair because it was getting very thin in the front, very noticeable. I knew I wanted to do something but I wasn't quite sure what I wanted to do. My hair loss was basically in the front and through the top it was very noticeable, hereditary mostly. My mother's side of the family had very fine hair, you know, stress things like that.

My self esteem was not what it should have been. I was not pleased at all with my appearance and I knew I had to something so I did. I gained more self confidence in my appearance, going out, having my hair styled differently, having it colored. It hasn't been that long since I had the procedure and the results have been astronomical.

I think women are more hesitant to do something possibly because the advertisement isn't out there for women but it is definitely a solution to your hair loss. I had no problem with the procedure. I recommend anyone to have it. I think more women should consider it because a lot of women going through menopause or whatever, there are all kinds of reasons for hair loss, but it is a solution to hair loss and it is natural and it is not expensive.

I basically went to the same hairdresser for years and he was very pleased with the results I got from the implants. As a matter of fact he said that he has seen many hair transplants done but has never seen one done as well as this one. He wanted me to go back to him every few weeks so he could see how the hair was coming in. He was really amazed and as a matter of fact said he would recommend Dr. Shapiro as well for procedures. He has seen some that were very good and he has seen some that were very bad but this was one of the best he has ever seen. ... Play Joanne's QT Movie

Play Movie

Shellie, Miami, FL: I started losing my hair at an early age and it didn't feel good. It's not a good feeling - you have to wear a cap everywhere you go and you don't really go out as much as you want to anymore. You go out and see everyone with hair and somebody looks at you, you feel that they are looking at your scalp really, not even your hair, your scalp. I saw the ads on TV, I was watching TV late one night and I saw it and took the number and called. I came in and they showed me before and after pictures, I watched a procedure being done, I saw somebody who had it done already and it looked great. I said this is for me. Since then, well, it's a whole lot of fun. I don't stay home much anymore and I'm feeling good about it, real good! Play Shellie's QT Movie

Play Movie

Carlos, Miami, FL: I didn't like it, I had to hide it with hats before. I came here and met Dr. Shapiro and it was good, I felt comfortable with him. He explained the procedure, I liked it, it was permanent and it was something that I was expecting. It's been good not to have to hide my head anymore. I still wear hats sometimes but I don't need it. I live my life better, I don't think about my hair loss anymore. ... Carlos' QT Movie, tambien en espanol

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Vinnie, Coral Springs, FL
: I always had a thick head of hair and I noticed that I started to recede. I considered a number of things, a hairpiece, which I have a number of friends who have, and it's very unnatural. You have to mess with the potions and glues and the constant upkeep is very expensive. This procedure is inexpensive and you will feel very comfortable with it. The hair is not falling into the sink like it has in the past. It's very full, it's undetectable and I am very happy with the procedure. ... it gives you more motivation, there's no doubt about that. ... gets that youthful feel and look back! ... Vinnie's QT Movie

More: Dr. Shapiro explains the medical hair restoration procedure.